of work of the National Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Republic of Macedonia 2018


The basis of the Association’s program in 2018 will primarily be based on the consistent application of the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities especially in the part concerning the rights of the deaf.

The National Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the Republic of Macedonia will also focus its activities on tracking and connecting to the programs for persons with disabilities who will implement the European countries in 2018 and they refer to deaf people and a special emphasis will be placed on the realization of the long – term action program of the World Federation of Deaf (WFD) and the European forum for people with disabilities (EDF).


In 2018 the following program tasks will be realized:

  1. Equating the rights of the deaf with the rights of other citizens
  2. Equal access to the information center
  3. Radically changing the deaf people education system
  4. Activities for consistent implementation of the Sign Language Law
  5. Creating a service for interpreters
  6. Changes in laws and regulations when procuring deaf aids
  7. Organizational strengthening of the organization
  8. Improving social security of the deaf
  9. Employment
  10. The introduction of new content in the cultural , recreational and sport life of the deaf people
  11. Participation in an international gathering organized by the deaf from the whole world and attendance at various meetings and manifestations organized by the World Federation of the Deaf and the European Union of the Deaf
  12. Celebrating the 70th anniversary if the NADHHRM
  13. A large number of traditional activities will be carried out: The International Day of the Deaf, the maskembal in Ohrid, the manifestation “Zena Domacinka”, sport manifestation “Igri bez granici” etc.